Lincolnshire population by age

Lincolnshire population statistics

In 2020, there were 1.1M residents in Lincolnshire county with an average age of 43.2 years. Population density was 158 residents per square kilometer. Population grew by 13.5% since 2002 and population average age increased by 2.6 years in the same period. Based on Census, there were 2.32 residents per household in 2011.


total residents
estimates 2020


average age
estimates 2020


population density
estimates 2020


residents per household
Census 2011

Lincolnshire population density map

shows a number of residents per square kilometer(km2), estimates from 2018.

Lincolnshire population average age map

Population average age by LSOA (County) in 2018.

Total population per year outlines headcount differences.

Lincolnshire births and deaths

by year. Figures are for deaths registered, rather than deaths occurring in each calendar year. It can take months for a death referred to a coroner to be registered.

Plumplot area insights - interactive charts and maps

Lincolnshire population pyramid

shows the distribution of various age groups in a population in 2020. Females are shown on the left, males are shown on the right.

Lincolnshire population share by decade of age

Shares of population age groups compared to corresponding shares of population groups in England & Wales, 2020.

Lincolnshire working age population share

Working age population share compared to working age population share in England & Wales, 2020.

age grouphead-count% share of population% for Eng & Wales
0-15 195k 17.7% 19.1%
16-64 651k 59.3% 62.2%
65+ 253k 23.0% 18.6%

Lincolnshire average age rank

Comparison of counties average ages, 2020 population estimates.


average age


England & Wales
average age

Lincolnshire population average age

Annual area statistics of Lincolnshire's population average age compared to country statistics.

Lincolnshire residential areas map

Purple-colored areas are business or industrial areas. Green-colored areas provide quieter surroundings and better living. Map is based on a UK Census 2011 data. Colors calculated from the ratio of number of residents divided by a number of workday people.

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In addition to the exponential growth in the population of Lincolnshire the county also has an ageing population. At the time of the census in 2011, 21% of the Lincolnshire population was aged 65 and over, which equates to 147,851 people. Mid-year estimates for 2016 have suggested that this has now risen by 156.13% to 378,700 people. The number of people aged 20-64 has also risen and the proportion that this makes up the total has increased slightly. Between 2011 and 2016, the number of 0-15-year-olds increased by more than 4% (from 121,900 of the total to 126,900 people). These are major trends for member and partner organisations to address, should this trend continue the accompanying impacts could be changes to school provision and in the longer term, changed workforce patterns.

It is projected by 2039, more than a half of East Lindsey’s population will be aged 65 and over, and the figures are only slightly lower for West Lindsey, South Holland, Boston, North Kesteven and South Kesteven. This trend has a serious implication for our partner members and the infrastructure of support for this population that needs to be developed and supported in meeting the challenges of this increase.

The dependency ratio will also continue to increase ensuring that more people will require services and need support for the local economy with fewer people contributing to the economy and actively able to provide services to this section of the community. Based on information available it is possible that the total number of people aged 65 and over could increase dramatically by 2040. Little change is projected to occur in the number of young people and only a relatively small increase is projected in the middle group. This will have implications for service provision from all sectors in the future and particularly within the key partners in the voluntary and community sector, and our local government partners.

A good place to grow older: learning and innovation from local government

People in the UK are living longer than ever before. In this context, it is essential that local service providers understand the needs and aspirations of their communities. This publication outlines recognised innovative practice from councils around the country developing a better future for their older residents. The contributions, from the councils themselves, tell the stories of the challenges faced and the lessons learned. See full details.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

Adult abuse and neglect isn’t always obvious. If you suspect a vulnerable adult is suffering abuse or neglect in any way please contact 01522 782 155

Safeguarding Children in Lincolnshire

JUST Lincolnshire is not only interested in the older age group. Children and young people may also be vulnerable to unfairness and inequality. The rights and welfare of the youngest members of our community are also of prime importance to the work JUST Lincolnshire will be doing. If you are worried about any child and think they may be a victim of neglect or abuse please contact Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children on 01522 782 111.

What is the average age in Lincolnshire?

Inhabitants (N.)
Females (%)
Foreigners (%)
Average age (years)
Average annual variation (2014/2019)
Demographic statisticsMunicipality of NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE › AdminStat › demografia › dati-sintesi › north-east-linc...null

What is the population of Lincolnshire 2022?

Based on recent growth rates we estimate the current 2022 population of Lincolnshire to be 776,654. In the year between mid-2019 and mid-2020, the population in Lincolnshire grew by an estimated 5,109 people, and in the ten years prior to mid-2020, the population grew by 51,565.

What percentage of Lincolnshire is white?

Population (mid-2019 est.)
• Ranked
18th of 48
156/km2 (400/sq mi)
98.5% White
Lincolnshire - › wiki › Lincolnshirenull

Why is Lincolnshire sparsely populated?

Lincolnshire is the 4th most sparsely and largest populated county in England covering an area of 5,921 sq. km. It is predominately rural, with no motorways, little dual carriageway and 80km of North Sea coastline, which provides fundamental difficulties in the provision of services.


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