In the diagnostic statement \chronic allergic sinusitis due to animal dander\ the modifying term is:

  • School San Juan College
  • Course Title HITP 202-601
  • Type

    Test Prep

  • Pages 9
  • Ratings 93% (44) 41 out of 44 people found this document helpful

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Question 181 / 1 ptsSally Smith is reviewing an inpatient record for coding. She notes that the face sheet, diagnostic testingreports, and discharge summary contain different diagnoses. What should she do to code the diagnoses?

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Query the provider for clarification.Question 191 / 1 ptsWhen coding the diagnostic statement “sarcoidosis of the skin of the right upper extremity,” the mainterm to reference is:

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Question 201 / 1 ptsIn the diagnostic statement “chronic allergic sinusitis due to animal dander,” the modifying term(s) are:

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Question 211 / 1 ptsIn the statement “acute sinusitis due to allergies,” the modifying term is ____________________.Correct!acuteCorrect Answersacute

Question 220 / 1 ptsThe instructional “See” and “See also” notes are considered ____________________ notes.

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Question 231 / 1 ptsIn the statement “bursitis of the right knee and ankle,” the main term is ____________________.

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Question 241 / 1 ptsSally Smith is coding the statement “left ear acute punctured eardrum.” The term to reference in theIndex is ____________________.

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pts, Allergy, Sinusitis, Sally Smith

  • School Bainbridge College
  • Course Title CODING 1400
  • Uploaded By rainy200785
  • Pages 5
  • Ratings 67% (3) 2 out of 3 people found this document helpful

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Question85 / 5 pointsIn the diagnostic statement “chronic allergic sinusitis due to animal dander” the modifying term(s) are:Question options:allergicchronicchronic allergic

sinusitisQuestion95 / 5 pointsICD-10-CM codes have more detail than ICD-9-CM codes.Question options:

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Question100 / 5 pointsFor the statement “intestinal obstruction due to meconium in mucoviscidosis of newborn” the main term to reference in theIndex is _____.

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Question115 / 5 pointsThe Alphabetic Index and the Tabular List must both be used when assigning codes.Question options:

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Question125 / 5 pointsFor the statement “oligospermia due to efferent duct obstruction” the main term to reference in the Index is _____.Question options:oligospermiaefferentductobstruction

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